
Dr. Venkat Devarajan
Dr. Venkat Devarajan

Dr. Venkat Devarajan is a leading researcher who imparts his expert guidance and supervision to the students under his tutelage at the VEL.

He has experience from image processing applications to aerospace and automated manufacturing. He helped develop photo-based visual systems technology, which has since found wide acceptance in the flight simulation community. He was the chief architect of TOPSCENE, the mission rehearsal system used by the US Navy pilots to train their air-to-ground missions. His present research interests include visual systems, image processing and virtual reality applications to biomedical, aerospace and manufacturing.

He also takes great interest in organizing various Indian cultural activities at UTA as director of Indian Music Arts and  Cultural Society (IMACS). More information here.

Office Tel. No.: (817) 272-3485
Lab Tel. No.: (817) 272-5965
E-Mail Address:

Download Dr. D’s resume here.

More information about Dr. D here.